5 Tips for Tourists When Visiting Vietnam

5 Tips for Tourists When Visiting Vietnam

Vietnam – a beautiful country with long beaches, rich culture, and unique cuisine, has become an attractive destination for many international tourists. However, to have a smooth and memorable trip, tourists should note some important points when visiting this S-shaped land. Here are 5 tips you cannot miss to make your journey more complete.
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1. Prepare Visa and Passport Procedures

One of the first and most important steps when preparing to come to Vietnam is to check and complete visa procedures. For some countries, tourists may be exempt from visas for a short period. However, for other countries, obtaining a visa is mandatory.
Currently, Vietnam offers two popular types of visas: sticker visa and electronic visa (e-visa). With an e-visa, you can easily apply and receive your visa via email without having to go to an embassy or consulate. This is very convenient, saving time and costs. Don't forget to check the validity of your passport, as Vietnam requires passports to be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry.

2 .Learn About Local Culture and Customs

Vietnam is a country with a rich and long-standing traditional culture, so learning about local culture and customs will help tourists have a deeper experience and avoid unwanted situations.
Some basic cultural notes when traveling in Vietnam include:
• Dress code: When visiting religious sites such as temples and churches, tourists should dress modestly and respectfully. Wearing too short or revealing clothes can be considered disrespectful.
• Speech and actions: Vietnamese people highly value politeness and respect for others. Be careful with your words and actions when interacting with locals.
• Greeting customs: Typically, Vietnamese people greet each other with a gentle handshake. However, in rural areas, you may see greetings by slightly bowing or clasping hands in front of the chest.

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3. Be Careful When Traveling

Traffic in Vietnam, especially in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, can be quite chaotic for first-time visitors. Motorbikes are the main means of transportation here and often appear in large numbers on the roads.
When crossing the street, remember an important rule: walk slowly and steadily, do not run suddenly or stop in the middle of the road, as vehicles will automatically adjust their speed to avoid you. Additionally, using ride-hailing services like Grab, Be, or other ride-hailing apps is a convenient and safe option for tourists when traveling within the city.

4. Enjoy Food Safely

Vietnamese cuisine is famous for its delicious street food, but choosing where to eat carefully is also very important to avoid health issues.
Some small tips to help you have a safe culinary experience:
• Choose crowded eateries: Eateries with many local customers are often reliable in terms of food quality.
• Avoid drinking tap water: Tap water in Vietnam is not safe to drink directly. Always carry bottled water to ensure your health.
• Be cautious with raw food: For raw dishes like fish salad, make sure they are prepared from reputable sources.

5. Use a Vietnamese SIM Card to Save Costs and Access High-Quality Internet

One of the most important things that many tourists often overlook is using a Vietnamese SIM card to save costs when communicating and accessing the internet. When you use an international SIM card, international roaming fees can be very high, not to mention unstable mobile networks.
The best solution for tourists when coming to Vietnam is to use TravelSIM – a product specializing in providing MobiFone SIM cards for foreign tourists. With TravelSIM, you won't have to worry about high international roaming fees, while still being able to access high-speed internet and communicate easily throughout your trip.
Popular SIM Types from TravelSIM:
• 4G/5G DATA SIM: For tourists who need high-speed internet, access social networks, find directions, or work remotely.
• CALL & DATA COMBINED SIM: Suitable for tourists who need both internet access and phone communication. This package allows you to make calls and send messages back home without interruption.
Advantages of TravelSIM:
• High-speed internet access with large data capacity.
• Cost-effective calls and messages with flexible packages.
• Easy online SIM ordering and receiving at the airport or your accommodation in Vietnam.

Why Choose TravelSIM?

With TravelSIM, you won't have to worry about network quality or expensive communication costs. Moreover, ordering a SIM is very easy and convenient through the website travelsim.mobimarket.vn. Just a few simple steps, and you will have a SIM that suits your needs when coming to Vietnam.
Visit Link now to choose and buy a SIM for your trip. TravelSIM – the perfect choice for an unlimited connection trip!